15 Things Spiritual People Know Not To Do But Do Anyway!

You wake up in the morning and the first thought to enter your mind is a positive affirmation about how your day will go! "I am grateful for this productive and blessed day!", the voice says, with the timber of a crunchy yoga teacher guiding her class into savasana. You walk to the kitchen and prepare to make your lavender tea. As the kettle boils you check your numerology and browse the C0-Star app for warnings of the days possible miss- steps after all, you are too enlightened to engage in common human behaviors (as the suppressed guilt around spending $500 for your transcendental meditation mantra is enough feeling for one lifetime)! As the incense burns and you sip your tea and not before you post your spiritual quote on Instagram, you shower, get dressed and head out for your yoga class. To help you out I thought I would remind you of the 15 don'ts any alleged spiritual person is aware of. I know you already mastered them, but it never hurts to give another looksy!
T​he List In no particular order
1​: Refilling your fountain soda after drinking half in the store before you pay the clerk and not being able to shake the feeling of being a gangster. 
2​: Requesting double meat in your burrito bowl and hoping the girl doesn't take out that dreaded sharpie! That goes for the guac too...sorry! 
3​: Leaving Soul Cycle before the stretch part so that you can get to your locker first! Come on! You of all people should know the importance of a good stretch after an intense workout. Patience is a virtue my friend!
4​: Posting Instagram photos of beautifully arranged colorful, healthy food when in reality you eat at Chipotle 4 times a week. I get it, it is one of the few "healthy" quick places to go. No GMOs!
5​: Walking through a door someone is holding for you without any acknowledegment of that persons kindness! This kills me! You are not the maharishi and no, the guy holding the door isn't a fan.
6​: Sending food back at a restaurant.. not because the food is bad, but because secretly the portion is way smaller than you expected and you have the, "I want what I pay for "attitude. Starving children people! Starving children!
7​: Dodging eye contact with that pregnant, disabled or senior who is standing two feet away from where you are comfortably sitting on the subway. I mean, she seems fine standing and besides, someone else will give up their seat, right? This is Cercei Lannester level Shame! Shame! Shame!
8​: This is for those who live in Los Angeles: You disregard most traffic laws especially the use of your blinker because you feel angels will never allow you to be in a car accident or it's because you are just an a-hole!
9​: Someone tells you a shockingly tragic story and you do everything within your power not to break out into hysterical laughter. I get it, nervous laughter is a thing, but do you not have a soul!! Thinking of dead kittens, your grandmothers body in the coffin and orphaned children at Christmas won't always work. Yes, you are demented!
1​0: Pushing your treadmill speed up two notches faster than the guy next to you and loving the secret competition. Guess what, there is no competition and are an a-hole!
1​1: When anyone else mentions anything spiritual you go into the "I already know all this" mindset and turn off. After all, you know best right! Wrong! Not being open to others and their points of view actually means that you refuse to learn anything more than what your own genius mind conjured up. You know nothin' Jon Snow!
1​2: OMG, you drink soda!! OMG, you say OMG!!!!!!
1​3: Buying expensive clothes and justifying it with this line, "I'd rather have a few nice pieces that last forever than a closet full of clothes!" Stop it! You have a closet full of clothes! Just admit that the whole vow of poverty thing isn't for you! Lulu Lemon can bring you closer to God, if God were an egotistical brand whore! We all have our vices.
1​4: Sneaking a fry from the hot food station at whole foods! The sign clearly states NO NIBBLING! You are a thief 24601!!!! 
1​5: Finally, reading posts like this one! Idle hands my friend! Don't you have some charity work or some Kirtan to attend. Silly Wabbit...lists are for kids!

Of course I jest! I am guilty of each of these. Sometimes we have to make fun of ourselves...it's good for the soul!

L​ove & Light!


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